For. | Extraordinary.| Humans. |
Ateina LAIKAS, kai kito pasirinkimo, kaip gyventi ir keliauti SAVO SIELOS keliu - tiesiog NEBETURIME. Viskas KINTA. Mus stumia POKYČIAMS. Stumia NAUJUMUI. Jeigu LEIDŽIAME SAU kisti, tada viskas aplinkui susidėlioja taip, kad mus vestų ten, kur turime keliauti - savo SIELOS MISIJOS KELIU.
Visi, kurie keliauja SAVO SIELOS keliu - nepaprasti žmonės.
THE TIME is coming when we have NO CHOICE but to LIVE and TRAVEL on the path of OUR SOUL. Everything is CHANGING. We are pushed for CHANGE. Pushing for NEW. If we ALLOW OURSELVES to change, then everything around us aligns itself in such a way as to lead us to where we need to travel - on the PATH of our SOUL MISSION.
All of us who travel the path of the SOUL are EXTRAORDINARY HUMANS.
Visi, kurie keliauja SAVO SIELOS keliu - nepaprasti žmonės.
THE TIME is coming when we have NO CHOICE but to LIVE and TRAVEL on the path of OUR SOUL. Everything is CHANGING. We are pushed for CHANGE. Pushing for NEW. If we ALLOW OURSELVES to change, then everything around us aligns itself in such a way as to lead us to where we need to travel - on the PATH of our SOUL MISSION.
All of us who travel the path of the SOUL are EXTRAORDINARY HUMANS.

Leiskite Jus PALYDĖTI/ Let us ACCOMPANY you.
ONLINE Mokymosi Portalas / Learning Portal
Kaip? / How?
Asmeninis mokymasis / Private Learning
Kursai ir seminarai, kuriuos galite savarankiškai žiūrėti šiame portale.
Courses and seminars that you can independently view on this portal.
Courses and seminars that you can independently view on this portal.
Asmeninės sesijos /
Personal sessions
Asmeninės sesijos ir pokalbiai. Susisiekite. Susiderinsime laiką pokalbiui.
Personal sessions. Contact us. We will arrange a time.
Personal sessions. Contact us. We will arrange a time.
Bendruomenė / Community
Bendraminčių ratas. Klausimai - atsakymai. Komentarai. Susitikimai.
Community. Questions - answers. Comments. Meetings.
Community. Questions - answers. Comments. Meetings.
Kelionės / Retreats
Pasaulio ir savęs pažinimas keliaujant, praktikos PROTUI | KŪNUI | SIELAI
Getting to know the world and yourself while traveling, practice for the MIND | BODY | SOUL
Getting to know the world and yourself while traveling, practice for the MIND | BODY | SOUL
Seminarai / Seminars
Kursai / Courses
Daugiau nei 30 metų džiaugiuosi KASDIEN. Sakau tą labai drąsiai ir atsakingai, nors kasdien, kaip ir visi žmonės susiduriu su įvairiomis situacijomis, gyvenimo pamokomis, skausmu, patyrimais, ligomis, žmonėmis, iššūkiais, susiduriu su VISKUO. Kasdien RENKUOSI kaip priimti situacijas, kaip į jas atreflektuoti, kokį toną panaudoti ar kokį prieskonį pasirinkti.. Aš renkuosi šypsotis gyvenimui, mokytis iš savo šeimos, iš aplinkos, stebėti, analizuoti ir visas žinias taikyti praktiškai, priimti visas patirtis. Aš pasirinkau šį kelią: gyventi su LENGVUMU ir MALONUMU, su DĖKINGUMU, DŽIAUGSMU ir TIKĖJIMU.
Iš visos širdies dalinuosi savo žiniomis, patyrimais, atradimais, praktikomis, kurios tikrai VEIKIA.
- Giedrė Pukienė
For more than 30 years, I have been happy EVERY DAY. I say this very boldly and responsibly, although every day, like all people, I face various situations, life lessons, pain, experiences, diseases, people, challenges, I face EVERYTHING. Every day I CHOOSE how to accept situations, how to reflect on them, what tone to use or what spice to choose... I choose to smile at life, learn from my family, from the environment, observe, analyze and apply all knowledge in practice, accept all experiences. I chose this path: to live with EASE and PLEASURE, with GRATITUDE, JOY and FAITH.
For more than 30 years, I have been happy EVERY DAY. I say this very boldly and responsibly, although every day, like all people, I face various situations, life lessons, pain, experiences, diseases, people, challenges, I face EVERYTHING. Every day I CHOOSE how to accept situations, how to reflect on them, what tone to use or what spice to choose... I choose to smile at life, learn from my family, from the environment, observe, analyze and apply all knowledge in practice, accept all experiences. I chose this path: to live with EASE and PLEASURE, with GRATITUDE, JOY and FAITH.
With all my heart I share my knowledge, experiences, discoveries, practices that really WORK.
- Giedrė Pukienė
- Giedrė Pukienė
Ar LEISITE sau KURTI naują gyvenimą su TAIKA savyje?
Will you ALLOW yourself to CREATE a new life with PEACE within you?
Thank you!